Photo Essay Talk at Northern Virginia Photographic Society

Vienna Fire House 400 Center St S, , Vienna, VA, United States

Essays are not picture stories or collections of travel images. They can result in a book, but often a book is not the end goal. In essence a photo essay is a brief but serious consideration of a single subject. In his presentation Bob uses examples and anecdotes to give you insights into the art of weaving pictures together to communicate a powerful message to your viewers.

Road Trip to Asheville, NC

Road Trip , United States

From Maryland to Charlotte, NC to Asheville, NC to Charlottesville, VA to Maryland

Princeton, NJ

In Princeton for the Holidays

Toronto Canada Lecture

Talk to Toronto Camera Club 1/8/2014 587 Mount Pleasant Road , Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I will be speaking to the Toronto Camera Club the evening of January 8, 2014. The talk will feature my personal work for the first half of the lecture, finishing with an exploration of moving to smaller cameras instead of the large, bulky DSLRs. This talk is free.


Annual Meetings at National Geographic Society

I will be attending meetings of The Photo Society (National Geographic contributing photographers), The NGS Creative Sales and the National Geographic Editorial Seminar.

AMC Winter Workshop

A three-day workshop at the Appalachian Mountain Club's Highland Center in Bretton Woods, NH. This event is wait listed. Go to "Workshops" on the menu bar to find more information about this workshop.